Institutional employees development through the organisation of training and courses for Żywiec City Hall officers


Public institutions employees knowledge competencies development plays a crucial role in ensuring effective and professional service to the local community.
Żywiec Municipal Office is  aware about permanent need of improvement of public officers. Municipality Żywiec has organized  trainings and courses for employees with program partner WSB Academy from Dąbrowa Górnicza.
Main goal of the project is to provide the highest service level to Żywiec residents in the areas such as : finance and budgetary accounting, environmental protection, Public Procurement Law, Administrative Procedure Code and personal data protection.
Why is institutional development crucial?
Supporting institutional development is crucial to ensuring the highest quality of services provided by the Municipal Office employees. Well qualified employees contributes more effective solutions for local community problems, implement the projects and plans much faster,  make functioning of entire institution more efficient.
As part of the Partner project, the WSB Academy has prepared varied training and courses program a.o:
- Finance and budgetary accounting
- Environmental protection
- Public Procurement Law
- Administrative Procedure Code
- Personal data protection
The implementation of training courses involves a variety of teaching methods, such as lectures, workshops and case studies. The purpose of organizing training and courses is give an  employees of the Municipal Office in Żywiec practical knowledge and skills that will allow them to work more effectively in the mentioned above areas. They will be able to put their knowledge into practice, which will increase the quality of services and the efficiency of the office's operations. Organization of training courses for Żywiec Municipal Office employees is a key element of institutional development.


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